Apple is rumoured to be working on at least two Augmented Reality projects that include an augmented reality headset set to be released in late 2022, followed by a sleeker pair of augmented reality glasses coming at a later date. Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo said today in a note sent out to investors that both devices will be using faster Wi-Fi 6E support to cut down on latency.
Kuo stated that “The adoption of the latest Wi-Fi specification is a basic requirement for head-mounted displays (HMDs) to improve the wireless experience. New HMDs from Meta, Apple, and Sony will all adopt Wi-Fi 6/6E in 2022. We forecast Meta, Apple, and Sony to be the most influential brands in the metaverse device market in 2022, with Meta, Apple, and Sony launching new HMDs in 2H22, 4Q22, and 2Q22, respectively.”
“Wi-Fi 6 is significantly better than Wi-Fi 5 in transmission speed and power consumption, so Meta’s latest Oculus Quest 2 supports Wi-Fi 6,” explains Kuo. “Wi-Fi 6 helps Oculus Air Link operate more stably and allows for a display refresh rate of up to 120Hz (compared to 72Hz or 90Hz for Wi-Fi 5).”
A previous report by The Information claimed Apple’s first AR/VR headset will need to be wirelessly tethered to an iPhone or another Apple device to unlock full functionality. Some reports suggested this year’s iPhone 13 series would feature Wi-Fi 6E, but the rumor never panned out. If both the report from The Information and Kuo’s latest headset prediction are accurate, Apple’s 2022 iPhone will presumably feature Wi-Fi 6E support.
Michael Kozlowski has been writing about audiobooks and e-readers for the past twelve years. His articles have been picked up by major and local news sources and websites such as the CBC, CNET, Engadget, Huffington Post and the New York Times. He Lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.