The Grammy award-winning virtual rock band Gorillaz has an event lined up in New York and London in the coming days, the website VRScount reported. It is an augmented reality concert that is coming up and is going to be held at Times Square in New York City at 2:30 pm ET on December 17th. Thereafter, the group has an event lined up the very next day at Piccadilly Circus in London at 2:00 pm GMT on December 18th. The group will be performing their latest single, Skinny Ape while they also have their 8th studio album Cracker Island also lined up for release post that.
The event that will make the band member’s avatars appear as tall as skyscrapers can be accessed via the Gorillaz Presents app which is available to download and install for free on both the Android and iOS platforms. The location-based AR experience again is going to be powered by the Google ARCore Geospatial API that enables the developers to tether their AR content to real-world objects and locations which comes under the purview of Google Street View.
So, residents of the two cities or those who might be traveling to either of these locations can experience a unique musical event they might never have seen or heard of before. All that they have to do is download the Gorillaz Presents app on their smartphones to be part of all the fun. After the live performance is over, the same is going to be made available on the app for others to watch and enjoy.

With a keen interest in tech, I make it a point to keep myself updated on the latest developments in the world of technology and gadgets. That includes smartphones or tablet devices but stretches to even AI and self-driven automobiles as well, the latter being my latest fad. Besides writing, I like watching videos, reading, listening to music, or experimenting with different recipes. Motion picture is another aspect that interests me a lot and maybe I’ll make a film sometime in the future.