Apple is expected to launch its mixed reality headset this spring with a full-fledged commercial launch likely to happen around fall 2023. This has been revealed in a Bloomberg report citing input from the reputed Apple analyst Ming Chi Kuo. Last heard Apple was facing issues with respect to the software as well as a few mechanical components of the headset. Apple had earlier … [Read more...] about Apple to launch its mixed reality headset Reality Pro in Spring 2023
mixed reality
Apple CEO hints at offering the most exciting AR VR experience with its upcoming headset
It is no secret Apple is betting big on the emerging AR and VR segments. The company is also rumored to be working on an AR headset which is believed to be in an advanced stage of development. Now, CEO Tim Cook has dropped strong hints on what the company is up to with its AR ambitions and what is to be expected from it in the near term. "I am incredibly excited about AR as … [Read more...] about Apple CEO hints at offering the most exciting AR VR experience with its upcoming headset