OLED display tech might have emerged as the natural choice for AR or VR headsets though Samsung seems to have other ideas. For as per what the company's Display exec Kim Min-woo said in a recent microLED conference held in South Korea, microLED displays might do a much better job in AR and VR headsets. The executive said this has to do with the higher levels of luminance that … [Read more...] about Samsung is pushing microLED displays for development of AR headsets
Samsung to launch AR headset soon that will offer the best Metaverse experience
Samsung might be working on a new augmented reality (AR) headset that would support multi-user Metaverse experiences, XRToday reported citing Korea Herald. "(Metaverse-related, AR devices) are now the talk of the town, so we have buckled down to a task to cope with the trend. It won’t take too long. We are striving for perfection as we gear up for the launch,” said Samsung … [Read more...] about Samsung to launch AR headset soon that will offer the best Metaverse experience