A new Apple patent points to a Virtual Reality device that users will have to wear around their fingers, ITHeat reported. In reality, it is a tracking device that users can control simply via gestures in the air. This makes for a more simplistic approach to providing an interactive VR experience. The said device which is required to be attached to the fingertip comes with a sensor integrated into it. The sensor provides tactile feedback in response to finger movements which are then fed to the attached computer via a control unit. This way, the system provides for effective virtual control.
When the fingers are bent, the same gets reflected in the virtual world as well. This in turn can enable the user to grasp a virtual object. Similarly, while watching virtual TV, such devices worn around the fingertips can be used to touch the control interface that the TV provides and enable various tasks accordingly, That can be like play or pausing a live stream, volume control, and so on. No wonder such a concept has the potential to bring about a huge change in the way we interact in the world of virtual reality.
That said, let’s not forget it is just a patent that Apple has applied for and there is no surety the same will ever reach the public domain. That said, it is going to be huge if it makes it to the market, if it ever does, that is.

With a keen interest in tech, I make it a point to keep myself updated on the latest developments in the world of technology and gadgets. That includes smartphones or tablet devices but stretches to even AI and self-driven automobiles as well, the latter being my latest fad. Besides writing, I like watching videos, reading, listening to music, or experimenting with different recipes. Motion picture is another aspect that interests me a lot and maybe I’ll make a film sometime in the future.