Qualcomm has confirmed it is collaborating with three companies in developing smart glasses that would be powered by its Snapdragon chipsets. The chipmaker also published a reference design of what it refers to as the 'Wireless AR Smart Viewer Reference Design' which it said runs on the Snapdragon XR2 Gen 1 chipset and features a pair of 90Hz FHD micro-OLED displays. As … [Read more...] about Qualcomm envisages lightweight smartphone-linked wireless AR smart glasses
Apple demoed its AR/VR headset to its board of directors, launch expected around 2023
Apple has been working on an augmented and virtual reality headset for long but things seem to be reaching a stage of culmination soon. The Cupertino giant has shown off a headset with both AR and VR capability to its board of directors, Bloomberg reported. Apple also assured members its engineers are working on an operating system, tentatively named realityOS or rOS that the … [Read more...] about Apple demoed its AR/VR headset to its board of directors, launch expected around 2023
Google AR Glasses revealed at the IO 2022 event
Among everything else that Google premiered at its IO 2022 event happens to be the Google AR Glasses. The Mountain View company however showcased the upcoming Google AR Glasses in a short teaser video wherein it demoed how the Glasses will have real-time AI-backed language translation capability. It’s like you are speaking to someone who is from a different region and speaks … [Read more...] about Google AR Glasses revealed at the IO 2022 event
Gettysburg introduces immersive AR / VR exhibition at the Lincoln Railroad Train Station
Gettysburg Foundation today announced the launch of what it calls the world's first interactive augmented reality and virtual reality exhibition at the Gettysburg Lincoln Railroad Station, the company revealed via a press release. The exhibition titled Ticket to the Past–Unforgettable Journeys relies on AR, VR, and frontier 3D projection mapping technology to make visitors go … [Read more...] about Gettysburg introduces immersive AR / VR exhibition at the Lincoln Railroad Train Station
Nvidia and Stanford technology could lead to thinner and stylish Apple Glasses in future
Researchers at Nvidia and Stanford University claim to have developed a new technology that could make it possible for Apple to launch thinner VR a few years down the line, 9to5Mac reported. The Cupertino giant has already been rumored to be working on its own version of a virtual reality headset which many claim will be ready for launch by end-2022 or early 2023. However, … [Read more...] about Nvidia and Stanford technology could lead to thinner and stylish Apple Glasses in future