Meta announced it is working to introduce its Horizon Worlds social metaverse platform to the web. This has been revealed by Meta CTO Andrew “Boz” Bosworth via a Tweet message. Meanwhile, Meta VP of Horizon Vivek Sharma stated plans are already underway to bring Horizon to mobile devices, something that likely will happen later this year itself. Similarly, there also are plans … [Read more...] about Meta working on web and mobile versions of Horizon Worlds metaverse platform
Meta introducing parental control features to keep kids safe in Metaverse
Meta has stated they will have in place enough security mechanisms to prevent kids from accessing age-inappropriate content on the Metaverse, NPR reported. The Facebook parent company also stated their Quest headset is safe for use by children aged 13 years and above. That said, parents have been expressing concern about incidents of kids getting access to content that aren't … [Read more...] about Meta introducing parental control features to keep kids safe in Metaverse
Samsung to launch AR headset soon that will offer the best Metaverse experience
Samsung might be working on a new augmented reality (AR) headset that would support multi-user Metaverse experiences, XRToday reported citing Korea Herald. "(Metaverse-related, AR devices) are now the talk of the town, so we have buckled down to a task to cope with the trend. It won’t take too long. We are striving for perfection as we gear up for the launch,” said Samsung … [Read more...] about Samsung to launch AR headset soon that will offer the best Metaverse experience